Coreleader Biotech bids Bon Voyage to our dear brothers of SWAT of ROC Coastal Guard today as they are leaving for Indian ocean for a rescue mission. Reportedly, the first officer of a ROC cruising fishing boat in Indian ocean has killed two of his peer crew aboard and forced those unharmed crew jump over the boat to ocean for life. The captain who is unharmed is locked at the bridge and calling for help via his radio.  The Coastal Guard command decides to send SWAT team to board the boat and arrest the first officer. 
The team had a training session only one day before their departure. The training aimed at the application of Israeli bandage and CAT with single hand. Coreleader management invited the instructor from ROC armed forces to demonstrate and lead following practice. None of us were expecting such immediate rescue mission on following day with such long cruise to Indian ocean. We keep our finger crossed that they would not need to apply such medical device for first aid during their mission.  All the best, brothers. 
